Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Course 3 – Render options & Proportional editing

This weeks tutorial was all about changing the options of the final render and a new technique called proportional editing, hence the title.

The render options didnt really require any modelling, it was simply changing some numbers and pressing some buttons. It showed me how to change the resolution of the final render and I also learned all about oversampling/anti-aliasing and how to make it work efficiently.

The proportional editing part of the tutorial showed exactly how to make a mountain scene from just a simple plane. It started with creating the plane and increasing the number of vertices it had from 4 to about 289. I could then move each of them independently of each other, making my plane very spikey. To make the mountains/hills though, I had to enable proportional editing. This meant when I moved a point, it would affect the points surrounding it. This created the mountain shape. It was still very blocky though. To fix this, I had to smooth it out using SubSurf (Subdivisions Surface). This tool smooths the object for you. An extra special thing it does though is that you can set a different smoothness for editing and rendering. This way you can work on a simple object but when you render it it is smoothed out. This would be very useful on a computer with low cpu power. After messing about with what I had learned this is what I ended up with: The challenge after this tutorial was to create an egg holder using what I had learned. This didn't take too long as I had spent quite a long time on my mountain scene, familiarising myself with it.

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